Sunday, June 7, 2015

Why #lincolnlightbulbhunt?

Because it's longer than the #Illuminating hashtag the Lighthouse group is using.

Here's the reality:

My wife, Tammy (Facebook, Twitter), loves going on hunts to find things that are off the beaten path. She found so many things that were fun and nerdy in Las Vegas two years ago that we were run ragged and only spent 4 hours on a gaming floor. She's the person that found the Crayola Experience and made a 45 minute drive from Philadelphia into the part of that vacation that we still talk about as a family.

Then Lighthouse made the #Illuminating project.

Basically, there are over 50 light bulb based sculptures placed around Lincoln, NE. These sculptures will be on display until sometime in September 2015. Then they will be auctioned to the highest bidder and the split between artist and Lighthouse is 33/67.

Since this is a limited time thing that will disappear, my lovely bride feels it is necessary to document their existence in Lincoln. So, every Sunday, we will go out and find as many as we can and photo, video, Meerkat, Periscope, Hangout on Air (maybe) at every lightbulb.

We will start posting each bulb on here this week. We will also have the pics posted either on Google Photos or Flickr (not sure). I'll also throw some fun ones on Instagram as we go!

Kris Gainsforth

Facebook: krisguy
Google+: +Kris Gainsforth
Twitter: @krisguy
Instagram: krisguy
Flickr: krisguy
Meerkat: krisguy
Periscope: krisguy

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